Dear Falls Creek stakeholder,
Alpine Resort Reform
I write to advise that the Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board has been notified by
the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, of the
Victorian Government’s intention to merge the four existing Alpine Resort Management
Boards (ARMBs), Falls Creek ARMB, Mount Hotham ARMB, Mount Buller and Mount Stirling
ARMB and the Southern ARMB, into a new statutory body corporate to be known as Alpine
Resorts Victoria. This follows a call for change from industry and sector stakeholders.
This decision has been made to support alpine resorts and associated communities as they
recover from the effects of the 2019-20 bushfires and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
and will enable a sectoral approach to build the economic resilience of the alpine industry. It
will also provide greater strategic focus on responding to the longer-term challenges from
climate change, including an increased risk of bushfires and an expected reduction of
natural snow.
The Minister has made it clear that the Victorian Government remains committed to
supporting on-mountain alpine businesses through a range of packages including the
commercial tenancies rent relief scheme, tourism accommodation program, and business
support fund. Support will also continue to be provided directly to ARMBs to ensure
financial solvency during transition to the new arrangements.
Although the proposed reforms will not take effect until such time as the Victorian
Parliament has enacted legislative amendments, the Minister has requested that the
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and ARMBs commence
transition planning in consultation with resort and industry stakeholders, tourism bodies,
Traditional Owners and local government to ensure the new arrangements are able to
commence in 2022 or at an earlier time if possible.
While it is important this transition plan enables economies of scale and operational
efficiencies, the Minister is committed to there being no reduction in the number of
frontline operational roles across the resorts and that local regional communities continue
to work closely with the new body and to be engaged in alpine sector matters.
As part of the institutional reforms, the Alpine Resorts Coordinating Council (ARCC) will also
be abolished with the strategic policy function presently undertaken by the ARCC to be
undertaken by DELWP and other ARCC functions transitioning to the new Alpine Resorts
DELWP representatives have advised that regular communications will be forthcoming as
the transition plan is developed and implemented. Further information is also now
available on our website here.
I thank you for your continued contributions to Falls Creek and I look forward to working
with you as we plan for this significant change to the alpine resort sector.
Yours sincerely
Jo Shannon
Board Chair
Click here to view the original Message from the Chair document >>
22nd March 2021
New Direction for Victoria's Billion Dollar Industry [Victoria Government website]
Alpine Resorts Victoria: a new era
By July 2022, the Victorian Government will complete major reforms to secure the future of our state’s alpine resorts through the creation of Alpine Resorts Victoria.
Alpine Resorts Victoria will govern the Falls Creek, Mt Hotham, Mt Buller, Mt Stirling, Lake Mountain and Mt Baw Baw alpine resorts.
The new body will be established through the merger of Victoria’s four existing Alpine Resort Management Boards (ARMBs) and the abolition of the Alpine Resorts Coordinating Council (ARCC).
This decision follows consultation with boards of the ARMBs and the ARCC and key industry stakeholders that demonstrated broad support for reform to create economic resilience and ensure the long-term sustainable future of Victoria’s alpine resorts sector, while recognising its importance to regional local communities and the state’s visitor economy.
Alpine Resorts Victoria will support alpine resorts and associated communities as they recover from effects of the 2019-20 bushfires and, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and enable regional communities to flourish and develop unique opportunities.
It will develop and implement strategic planning across the sector to underpin the future of alpine-based tourism, which is a major contributor to regional economies, and will deliver positive outcomes that will enable a sustainable future for all alpine resorts, visitors and regional communities.
Alpine resorts are a vital part of regional Victoria’s economy. In winter alone, these resorts collectively contribute nearly $1.1 billion in GSP, attract one million visitors per year and support almost 10,000 regional jobs.
More information and the next steps
Further consultation will take place with industry, partners and key stakeholders. To assist this a Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) will be established that will include representatives from industry, Traditional Owners, Local Government, ARMBs and the ARCC during transition planning.
Legislation to merge existing ARMBs is expected to be introduced in the Victorian Parliament in late 2021 following consultation and drafting, with the new entity to begin operating by July 2022.
The composition of the new board Alpine Resorts Victoria will ensure that traditional owner voices are heard.
A key principle will be ensuring industry has a platform to directly advise Alpine Resorts Victoria on strategic and operational directions for each resort.
Staff at ARMBs will be transferred to Alpine Resorts Victoria and staff at the ARCC will be redeployed to positions within the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).
All lease agreements with existing ARMBs will transfer to Alpine Resorts Victoria and any associated adjustments in existing terms and conditions will be managed equitably and transparently.
* Further Questions and Answers to be developed in collaboration with the Stakeholder Reference Group and community using the EngageVic portal.
Updates by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DECCA) (formally DELWP) can be accessed on the ALPINE RESORTS section of the DELWP website.
Visit the DECCA website > Alpine Resort page >>>
All information pertaining to Alpine Resorts Victoria can be located on the Alpine Resorts Victoria website: