Summer Bushfire Preparation 2021
CFA Alpine Preparation
As the snow melts the Alpine Resorts have already begun planning for Summer 2021-22 and we urge our stakeholders to do the same. Summer planning includes bushfire preparation for Falls Creek Resort and the properties within. Everyone has a responsibility to ensure their property is prepared before the bushfire season starts.
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) has created a useful flyer to assist property owners and managers to prepare in the Alpine Resorts. Please access the flyer by clicking on the button below.
Travel Exemption Permit Scheme
With the summer fire season imminent, there is a need for owners of properties in bushfire-prone areas to prepare their property. While there are currently provisions to allow travel beyond the current 15km restriction that applies in some areas of Victoria, for example, if the property owner has been issued with a Fire Prevention Notice, a process has been developed that will allow councils to issue a travel exemption for property owners to attend their property to undertake fire preparedness work.
Exemption Process
Under an exemption to the current Chief Health Officer (CHO) Directions, an owner of a property, or a nominated representative, will be allowed to travel to their property to undertake fire preparedness work. To request an exemption to travel to their property, an owner must contact Falls Creek Resort Management (FCRM) to request a letter. FCRM will determine if the owner meets the eligibility criteria and issue a letter accordingly.
To request a letter please click on the Permit Application button below: