Lakeside Development Project Planning
Last Updated: 8th January, 2025
Project Update
To view the latest update on the Lakeside Development Project please visit the Alpine Resorts Victoria corporate website via this link:
Lakeside Development Project at Falls Creek Alpine Resort approved by VCAT
What is the Lakeside Development Project?
The Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board (FCARMB) developed a detailed Masterplan in 2016 as part of their strategic planning initiatives. This plan included a focus area for the development of the Rocky Valley Lake foreshore for usage to benefit the local community and visitors to the area. Further strategic development plans, including the Victorian Alpine Resorts Visitor Economy Development plan, have highlighted this project as a transformative priority development.
Post the 2019/2020 bushfires and the resort's economy being severely impacted by the loss of summer visitation, numerous grant funding opportunities were pursued to assist the local economy recover. After overwhelming support from the Falls Creek Community and the Recovery Committee, funding was successfully sought from Bushfire Recovery Victoria for the Lakeside Trail Head and Foreshore Redevelopment Project.
The project will expand the significant summer water sports activities by developing the rudimentary visitor facilities and by including a trailhead for the Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing walking trail, as well as enhancing the existing Nordic skiing, alpine walking and snowshoeing white season activities.
A key part of this facility development is the refurbishment of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition (ANARE) shed, which needs to be modernised and improved to better match commercial/trailhead activation requirements and attract commercial activation opportunities conducted from both the ANARE building, and along the foreshore itself. Improvements included as part of the precinct development, though funded separately are the installation of a pontoon and jetty together with a boat ramp and upgraded visitor facilities.
The project will also have a visitor information precinct, education and interpretation centre and a meeting place for traditional owners.
Is the development consistent with the 2016 Masterplan?
The 2016 Masterplan was prepared with the regard to background policy and planning controls of the Alpine Resorts Planning Scheme.
It is explained under the Governance section of the Masterplan that it is a reference document to this scheme, and is to provide a strategic framework for the future planning and development of the Falls Creek Village and related precincts.
The list of projects described in the masterplan are subject to further investigation and their inclusion in the masterplan does not constitute approval.
In the masterplan, the lakeside precinct is listed as a base for green season activation, however similarly looks to develop the existing white activities which are listed as: Nordic skiing, alpine walking and snowshoeing. It also lists the associated infrastructure to be developed there. The ANARE shed development significantly improves guest amenity for all users.
Please click here to view a statement from the Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board regarding this project.
Project Status
This project is in the community consultation phase, with preliminary planning and design undertaken, with further detailed design to be implemented following community feedback.
June 2022: Planning and Assessment Underway
- Falls Creek Stakeholder Consultation Groups 1 & 2 - 21st and 22nd June
July 2022:
- Falls Creek Stakeholder Consultation Group 3 - 12th July
- Falls Creek Stakeholder Survey - to be distributed
To subscribe to communications regarding this project please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Overall Project Objectives
- Enhanced community recreational facilities and safe access
- Increased employment and commercialisation opportunities
- Increased year-round visitation
- Increased guest experience and aligned products for the stated activations to facilitate and attract visitation
- Increased car parking capacity at the location to facilitate events at the lake and resort visitation by providing extra parking during peak visitation periods
- Improved environmental and climate change education opportunities for visitors
- Trailhead activation for the Falls to Hotham Crossing
In addition, the opportunities being addressed by the project are expected to be:
- Drive further demand for alpine experiences, with a demonstrated Victorian market size of 1 million potential visitors for snow season and 996,000 for the green season over 2 years.
- Grow the regional Victorian visitor economy through investment in experiences that will drive demand from interstate and international visitors.
- Grow year-round utilisation of assets, including the large number of accommodation bed spaces and food establishments that sit largely idle for 8 months of the year.
- Extend the economic benefit provided to valley towns and regional communities beyond the snow season, with further investment year round experiences and motivating green season experiences that will drive demand.
- Achieve climate change adaptation through investments that will reposition the visitor economy offering to create a sustainable future. This includes public investment in demand driving green season experiences, focus on nonski or snowboard activities and expansion of snowmaking.
- Provide for equitable and culturally diverse use by creating accessible, year-round destinations.
- Meet latent demand for alpine experiences through the delivery of year-round products in alignment with market demand.
- Increase year-round utilisation of tourism infrastructure and assets.
- Provide vibrant hubs from which to explore Victoria’s National Parks.
- Generate employment opportunities and economic benefits for regional economies and communities.
Key Project Actions
Upgrade the ANARE shed including:
- Provision of upgraded public toilets
- Upgrade building structure and external cladding
- Provision of power, heating, water and wastewater utilities, including ground sourced heating and solar panels
- Upgrade internal lighting and internal finishes to facilitate commercial and visitor centre activation
- Integration of outdoor decking and furniture
- Universal access design, including winter access for disabled users
Consideration of winter and summer user requirements including:
- Increase car parking capacity
- Develop all-season car parking to allow for up to 100 additional parking spaces.
- Provision of curbing and stormwater to suit snow clearing operations
- Use of green asphalt and recycled concrete for car park surfaces
Improve road access including:
- Upgrade ANARE access road to all seasons use with green asphalt
- Infrastructure integration for both mountain biking, water activations and cross-country skiing in this area
- Consideration of snow clearing requirements for all-season activation
Improve foreshore safety including:
- Integration of key infrastructure projects including a pontoon jetty, boat ramp and foreshore picnic facilities
Provide shelter in place facilities for bushfire threats including:
- Ensure space configuration for community use during bushfire emergencies
- Consider requirements for emergency services
Project Benefits
The Lakeside development will provide
- Enhanced community recreation facilities for summer and winter, whilst also growing green and winter season visitation
- Increased employment and commercial activation opportunities, facilitating further private sector investment
- Increased year-round visitation to this iconic alpine location, thereby increasing yield
- Improved guest experience with contemporary facilities
- Increased car parking capacity for recreation and events
- Information and education facilities for the general public and Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing trail users
- High quality café/restaurant open to the public during summer and winter
- Place of last resort for Falls Creek and Bogong High Plains users during bushfire threats
- Expansion of utility infrastructure to the current Village networks, improving connectivity and access.
- Increase in mountain capacity and visitor experiences
- Alignment of experiences to target markets.
- Funding provides for investment in enabling infrastructure.
Project Timelines
When will it be constructed?
Construction works are planned for summer 2022/23 (subject to permit approvals) with commercial activation summer 2023/24 onwards.
Stakeholder Engagement timelines
June 2022 | July 2022 | August/September 2022 | Early 2023 | 2023/2024 |
Early engagement with key stakeholders and community prior to draft concept being finalised for planning permit application to understand project opportunities and concerns to mitigate. | Statutory engagement with interested parties around the submission of the planning application. | Informing stakeholders and community on the final concept design and mitigation of community impacts during construction. | Keeping the community informed of construction activities and mitigating construction impacts. | Launching/opening the facility and keeping the community engaged in the ongoing uses of the facility. |
Who We Are Working With
A Project Governance Committee was established in October 2021.
Project Governance Committee Members:
- Bushfire Recovery Victoria
- Regional Development Victoria
- Parks Victoria
Falls Creek Stakeholder Groups:
- Falls Creek Local Community
- Falls Creek Business Operators
- Falls Creek Community Recovery Committee
- Traditional Owner Groups
- Education (Falls Creek Primary School, Howman's Gap YMCA, Bogong Outdoor School)
- Summer Sport Community
- Winter Sport Community
- Emergency Services Providers
There are five phases to the engagement including early engagement, planning permit engagement, detailed design engagement, construction engagement, and operational engagement. A range of engagement and communications methods will be used.
Who will build the Falls Creek Lakeside Development Project?
The project will have a tender process prior to awarding construction contracts. The works are likely to be separated into two main tender packages:
- Building/Structural
- Civil works
Other minor site works will be delivered by Falls Creek Resort Management.
Who will operate the Falls Creek Lakeside Development Precinct?
Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board will call for expressions of interest (EOI) from parties who are keen to activate this iconic venue on a year-round basis. The ANARE site has the potential to be a multi-vendor site and will be subject to a lease based agreement after the final tender process. The site will be delivered for activation as a shell lease to the successful tender/s.
Further activations for the precinct, particularly in the green season will also be sought through the expressions phase. These may or may not be associated with the ANARE tenants, but support activations relevant to the built infrastructure (boat ramp/pontoon jetty/improved public amenity).
Project Funding
How much will this project cost and how is it being funded?
The project budget is currently $3.5 million
$3m in funding is being provided under the Federal Local Economic Recovery program and the Victorian State Governments Alpine Business Support program administered through Regional Development Victoria, together with the Victorian Fisheries Authority support for the associated boat ramp installation. In-kind and project management support equivalent to $0.5M is being provided by Falls Creek Resort Management.
Concepts, Documents & Information
Draft Concept Plan >> Concept Package - Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Consultation Session Summaries >> to be made available shortly
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Lakeside Development Project?
The Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board (FCARMB) developed a detailed Masterplan in 2016 as part of their strategic planning initiatives. This plan included a focus area for the development of the Rocky Valley Lake foreshore for usage to benefit the local community and visitors to the area. Further strategic development plans, including the Victorian Alpine Resorts Visitor Economy Development plan, have highlighted this project as a transformative priority development.
Post the 2019/2020 bushfires and the resort's economy being severely impacted by the loss of summer visitation, numerous grant funding opportunities were pursued to assist the local economy recover. After overwhelming support from the Falls Creek Community and the Recovery Committee, funding was successfully sought from Bushfire Recovery Victoria for the Lakeside Trail Head and Foreshore Redevelopment Project.
The project will expand the significant summer water sports activities by developing the rudimentary visitor facilities and by including a trailhead for the Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing walking trail, as well as enhancing the existing Nordic skiing, alpine walking and snowshoeing white season activities.
A key part of this facility development is the refurbishment of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition (ANARE) shed, which needs to be modernised and improved to better match commercial/trailhead activation requirements and attract commercial activation opportunities conducted from both the ANARE building, and along the foreshore itself. Improvements included as part of the precinct development, though funded separately are the installation of a pontoon and jetty together with a boat ramp and upgraded visitor facilities.
The project will also have a visitor information precinct, education and interpretation centre and a meeting place for traditional owners.
When will it be constructed?
Construction works are planned for summer 2022/23 (subject to permit approvals) with commercial activation summer 2023/24 onwards.
Who will build the Falls Creek Lakeside Development Project?
The project will have a tender process prior to awarding construction contracts. The works are likely to be separated into two main tender packages:
- Building/structural
- Civil works
Other minor site works will be delivered by Falls Creek Resort Management.
Where can I find the draft concept designs?
Please see the Documents & Information section on this page.
Who will operate the Falls Creek Lakeside Development Precinct?
FCARMB will call for expressions of interest from parties who are keen to activate this iconic venue on a year round basis. The ANARE site has the potential to be a multi-vendor site and will be subject to a lease based agreement after the final tender process. The site will be delivered for activation as a shell lease to the successful tender/s.
Further activations for the precinct, particularly in the green season will also be sought through the expressions phase. These may or may not be associated with the ANARE tenants, but support activations relevant to the built infrastructure (boat ramp/pontoon jetty/improved public amenity).
How can I get involved and share my thoughts on opportunities and concerns with the project team?
To receive updates regarding this project and a link to survey, please scroll to the bottom of the page and submit the form.
How much will this project cost and how is it being funded?
The project budget is currently $3.5M
$3m in funding is being provided under the Federal Local Economic Recovery program and the Victorian State Governments Alpine Business Support program administered through Regional Development Victoria, together with the Victorian Fisheries Authority support for the associated boat ramp installation. In-kind and project management support equivalent to $0.5M is being provided by Falls Creek Resort Management.
What is the business case for this investment of money?
The project was assessed as part of the business case development for the transformational projects listed in the Victorian Alpine Resorts Visitor Economy Development plan, undertaken by Urban Enterprises. An extensive list of problems are being sought to be addressed in the overall development plan business case, the following are those specific to the Lakeside development.
- Capacity issues constrain the ability to meet both current and potential snow season visitor demand.
- Reduced snowfall due to climate change will impact on quality of the snow experience for ski and snowboard markets.
- Reliance on winter to deliver all economic benefits for the Resorts.
- Limited financial capacity to invest in green season products and experiences for both the private and public sector.
- Lack of motivating, hero experiences to drive demand.
- Lack of businesses operating during the green season due to business models historically focused on snow season operating conditions.
- Poor village amenity, particularly in the green season.
- Risk of bushfire and perceived safety issues during the height of summer.
- Lack of broad market appeal due to limited investment in low-intensity experiences.
- Limited capital investment as a result of current government policy and low public sector investment in capital projects.
- Development constraints due to time and cost of planning and construction.
- Low public sector capital investment comparative to other Victorian attractions.
In addition, the opportunities being addressed by the project are expected to be:
- Drive further demand for alpine experiences, with a demonstrated Victorian market size of 1 million potential visitors for snow season and 996,000 for the green season over 2 years.
- Grow the regional Victorian visitor economy through investment in experiences that will drive demand from interstate and international visitors.
- Grow year-round utilisation of assets, including the large number of accommodation bed spaces and food establishments that sit largely idle for 8 months of the year.
- Extend the economic benefit provided to valley towns and regional communities beyond the snow season, with further investment year round experiences and motivating green season experiences that will drive demand.
- Achieve climate change adaptation through investments that will reposition the visitor economy offering to create a sustainable future. This includes public investment in demand driving green season experiences, focus on nonski or snowboard activities and expansion of snowmaking.
- Provide for equitable and culturally diverse use by creating accessible, year-round destinations.
- Meet latent demand for alpine experiences through the delivery of year-round products in alignment with market demand.
- Increase year-round utilisation of tourism infrastructure and assets.
- Provide vibrant hubs from which to explore Victoria’s National Parks.
- Generate employment opportunities and economic benefits for regional economies and communities.
What are the key benefits of the project?
The Lakeside development will provide:
- Enhanced community recreation facilities for summer and winter, whilst also growing green and winter season visitation
- Increased employment and commercial activation opportunities, facilitating further private sector investment
- Increased year-round visitation to this iconic alpine location, thereby increasing yield
- Improved guest experience with contemporary facilities
- Increased car parking capacity for recreation and events
- Information facilities and education facilities for the general public and Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing trail users
- High quality café/restaurant open to the public during summer and winter
- Place of last resort for Falls Creek and Bogong High Plains users during bushfire threats
- Expansion of utility infrastructure to the current Village networks, improving connectivity and access
- Increase in mountain capacity and visitor experiences
- Alignment of experiences to target markets
- Funding provides for investment in enabling infrastructure
Why is this development being undertaken?
The lakeside precinct is one of the key nodes for development under the resort masterplan, and is further supported by the Victorian Alpine Resorts Visitor Economy Development Plan which identifies the Lakeside precinct as a key transformative project. In addition, following the 2019/2020 bushfires, the project was voted as the Falls Creek Community Recovery Committees' number one project for funding available through Federal and state grants to assist with local economic recovery.
Is the development consistent with the 2016 Masterplan?
The 2016 Masterplan was prepared with the regard to background policy and planning controls of the Alpine Resorts Planning Scheme.
It is explained under the Governance section of the Masterplan that it is a reference document to this scheme, and is to provide a strategic framework for the future planning and development of the Falls Creek Village and related precincts.
The list of projects described in the masterplan are subject to further investigation and their inclusion in the masterplan does not constitute approval.
In the masterplan, the lakeside precinct is listed as a base for green season activation, however similarly looks to develop the existing white season activities which are listed as: nordic skiing, alpine walking and snowshoeing. It also lists the associated infrastructure to be developed there. The ANARE shed development significantly improves guest amenity for all users.
How is the development funded?
As per the above, the project is a $3.5m development funded through three separate tranches of grant funding, as indicated below.
- $2.5m – Local Economic Recovery Grant (Bushfire Recovery Victoria)
- $0.53m – Alpine Business Support Grant (Dept. of Jobs, Precincts & Regions)
- $0.119m - Recreational Boating Structural Maintenance Program (Victorian Fisheries Authority)
- Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board as per the various funding agreements will be providing in-kind support, inclusive of project management fees, equating to circa $0.55m.
What is the easiest way to access the Lakeside precinct from the village?
Bogong High Plains Road (BHP Rd) is the key access route, supplemented by aqueducts, the mountain bike network and walking trails. During the declared winter season, the existing BHP Road shuttle bus services could be expanded to allow transit from the Village and Windy corner along BHP Rd to the Lakeside area.
Ski/walker/snowshoe access is also available via the groomed aqueduct trail which connects all the way to the Village Bowl.
Where will the ski hire and shop be located?
Ski hire and the retail shop will remain at Windy Corner. As part of the proposed future development of the Nordic Bowl precinct, longer term, there is the potential to have such services located within this new complex. The current design of the Nordic Bowl incorporates ski hire, storage and changing rooms.
How will skiers get to lessons or guided tours?
There will be no change to the current procedure. Lessons and ski hire will remain activated through Windy Corner. Access to the Nordic Bowl would be provided by a groomed trail along the aqueduct. Private vehicle access to the Lakeside could also be possible, with the proposed new car parking infrastructure at the Lakeside facility. The current shuttle services along BHP Road could be expanded to include the Nordic Bowl and Lakeside drop-off areas. This is the same as the process used within the alpine ski area where access to lessons requires a short transfer to a different location.
Will I need to fit chains out at Lakeside in winter?
Fitting of chains to any vehicle entering, or leaving the resort are determined by the road services team in accordance with current practices. During winter, all vehicles must carry chains, and when instructed, they must be fitted. If it is determined that the road is cleared and provide access to the proposed Lakeside car park in winter, operational directives will need to be followed as within the rest of the resort.
Will this road be closed numerous times per year due to snowfall?
This is not being proposed at the present time. Consistent with the resort's current snow clearing procedure for Bogong High Plains Road, the focus is on keeping all access roads open and safe for use throughout the winter season and maintained as per existing arrangements undertaken on behalf of Regional Roads Victoria. If it is determined that the road is cleared and provide access to the proposed Lakeside car park in winter, any closures would only occur based on an assessment of conditions at the time, noting Falls Creek rarely closes access roads throughout winter.
Is the road narrow and not appropriate for traffic in winter?
The Road Safety Act 1986 obliges road users to have regard to all relevant factors when driving a motor vehicle, particularly the physical characteristics of the road, prevailing weather conditions, level of visibility, prevailing travel conditions, etc. Regional Roads Victoria, the coordinating road authority for Bogong High Plains Road, has been consulted. Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board (FCARMB) follows the guidelines under its responsibilities as outlined in the Road Management Act 2004 Code of Practice Operational Responsibility for Public Roads. If it is determined that the road is cleared and provide access to the proposed Lakeside car park in winter, FCARMB will clear snow in a manner that protects against road user hazards, including ensuring signage, speed limits and safe passing points are identified.
Will this (the Lakeside Development) increase walkers on the cross-country trails?
In the proposed development plans, visitors to the ANARE shed will be able to walk to the shed, from the car park, along a designated path.
It is proposed that a defined area and rules for walkers will need to be established, including the use of the aqueduct trail which provides a key multi-use link to the Falls Creek Village, which will support the development of alpine walking, snowshoeing and Nordic skiing back into the heart of the commercial activation zones.
This will require management to ensure the impact to all users is minimised, including XC skiers using these trail areas.
Does this mean the Nordic Bowl upgrade project will no longer be pursued by FCARMB?
Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board (FCARMB) continues to prioritise the development of the Nordic Bowl. All planning approvals have been received and the project is ‘shovel ready’. FCARMB continues to work on grant funding solutions for the development of the facility. The scope of the Nordic Bowl project will be reviewed considering the additional amenity provided by the Lakeside project to ensure functional elements are aligned. If anything, the Lakeside development will assist funding opportunities for the Nordic Bowl in the future.
Car Parking
What if the car parks are full at Lakeside?
If the proposed plan is activated and it is determined that the road is cleared and provide access to the Lakeside car park in winter, information will be provided at Windy Corner on available parking at Lakeside. When full, parking can still occur at Windy Corner in the current manner.
Will the Lakeside car parks be available overnight?
If it is determined that the road is cleared and provide access to the proposed Lakeside car park in winter, parking at Lakeside will be day parking only during the declared snow season. During summer some provisions will be made for overnight parking to support the Falls to Hotham crossing trailhead access for overnight hiking.
Are the Lakeside car parks dedicated to Cross Country skiing in winter?
It is planned that car park availability will be for all resort guests equally and will not be segregated by user group, other than no overnight parking will occur at Lakeside during the declared snow season.
XC Ski Trail impacts
Will Bogong High Plains Rd will be cleared out to the Lakeside location?
It is proposed but yet to be determined, that a 1.2km section of Bogong High Plains Road (BHP Rd) from Windy Corner to the Observation Deck can be cleared to allow all season access to the new facility. The remaining 63.8km of groomed trail network will remain in place and groomed in accordance with current service levels. FCARMB is also in discussions with XC clubs and stakeholders on alternative trail and competition routes that will provide additional and alternative course choices.
BHP road will not be cleared until such time as appropriate alternative access can be implemented, to ensure walkers/skiers do not create traffic hazards along BHP road. Consultation with key stakeholders and user groups to enable the implementation of these alternatives is currently in progress.
Will there be trail impacts as a result of this project and how will you propose to mitigate these?
Access to the Nordic Bowl along Bogong High Plains Road (BHP Rd) will be impacted, if it is determined that the road to the Lakeside car park is cleared, and would no longer be part of the cross-country trail network from Windy Corner to the Observation Deck. Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board (FCARMB) is currently examining other trail options, in consultation with key user groups to improve connectivity, total inner trail length and function of the network.
FCARMB has a planning permit for piping/widening of the aqueduct trail from Windy Corner to the Nordic Bowl and this project is currently under consideration to facilitate access away from BHP road. Funding for this initiative will be sourced from the annual capital expenditure program, using internally generated funds and where possible infrastructure grants or in combination with other agencies.
FCARMB will investigate and scope the potential to look at other options, i.e. tunnel or overpass, in this location. Noting, that funding for the same would be sourced in combination with the broader Nordic Bowl development, pending the review of its scope.
Will the XC trailhead be moved from Windy Corner?
All ski hire, lesson booking and retail operations that exist at Windy Corner are planned to remain. Windy Corner will remain the key point to access trail for the XC network. In addition, new trail access points will become available including the Nordic Bowl and Lakeside area. Signage to support each of these locations will be reviewed and updated to better reflect the proposed new arrangements.
Can I access the trail from Windy Corner car park that gets me out to the Nordic Bowl and Lakeside area?
Yes – the aqueduct trail will remain groomed and open for use. FCARMB is considering options to provide better/safer access to this location from the current Windy Corner facility.
It is also proposed to extend the current BHP Road shuttle bus services transporting people direct to both the Nordic Bowl and Lakeside area if it is determined that the road is cleared to the Lakeside car park. Other bus access will also be facilitated, including direct access for up to Toyota Coaster size vehicles and turnaround locations for larger bus sizes. However, there will be no permanent bus parking out at these sites (drop off/pick up only).
What is the plan to address trail quality impacts from clearing the road?
FCARMB utilises a range of snow clearing equipment and infrastructure during the winter period. Appropriate snow clearing equipment which allows snow to be blown from the road and into areas which have less trail impact are already in service.
We will also be ensuring any road assets have appropriate infrastructure to assist in clearing operations and the protocol for de-icing minimises adjacent trail impact.
What are the impacts to The Hoppet and FIS race course?
The Hoppet course remains in the same format and location. The start/lap trail will require marginal re-alignment to run parallel with the road. FCARMB will ensure, that the Lakeside car park works are designed to maintain the double-width start zone. Once past the ANARE shed, the course is not impacted in any way.
The homologated FIS courses will require amendment or consideration of the alternative courses designated in their current course management plans. As such, in some locations, FCARMB will be working with Snow Australia AUSXC members to examine options in this regard, including consideration of new trail elements to provide FIS compliant course options.
What are the impacts to XC events currently run on the Bogong High Plains Road?
FCARMB will work with event organisers and hosts, to ensure trail is activated to offset any loss of the trail network to facilitate its continued support for XC events.
Update 1st August, 2023
The Falls Creek Lakeside Precinct involves the redevelopment of the ANARE Shed on the Rocky Valley Dam foreshore. This upgrade will create a new visitor facility that is anticipated to include a food and beverage offering, toilets and visitor services, and act as the trail head for the Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing.
While the redevelopment of the ANARE Shed has been widely supported, concerns have been voiced by sections of the cross-country skiing community about an associated operational proposal to clear the Bogong High Plains Road in winter to enable year-round site access.
Alpine Resorts Victoria (ARV) has reviewed both the infrastructure project and the views of cross-country skiers. ARV has determined that there is insufficient information available to ascertain if there is an operational requirement for the Bogong High Plains Road to be cleared. This includes information about potential visitor trends associated with winter usage of the site, and ascertaining whether there is commercial interest in operating the site over winter that needs to be supported via cleared road access.
Therefore, until the facility has been redeveloped and there is a clear understanding of how the site should be optimally operated and accessed, grooming of the road for cross country skier and trail walker usage will remain. Any future operational decisions to be made around the site will be informed by clear and transparent engagement with all associated stakeholders to ensure any decision made is in the best interests of the broad community, resort, and region.
Community Engagement Plan
See the community engagement plan below relating to the Lakeside trail head and foreshore redevelopment project.
Lakeside Precinct Activation Survey
Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board (FCARMB) engaged Urban Enterprise to undertake a visitor and stakeholder survey regarding the Falls Creek Lakeside Precinct Activation Project (located at the Rocky Valley Lake Foreshore).
The survey is now closed.